About Us
In Your Ever After is a small clothing boutique for the girls who romanticize their lives and are always in a constant state of wander. The ones who frolick through woods, tracing all the trees until they find the perfect spot to scream their guts out. The girls who are sweet but not afraid to be sassy. This brand embodies the free spirited whimsy of girlhood. Mixing elements like feminine and grunge. You can be your own muse in your ever after

Hello, my name is Alaiyha and I am the owner of In Your Ever After. Since I could very much pick up scissors, I knew I wanted to work in the fashion industry. Many aspects of my childhood contributed to the start of In Your Ever After.
As a child, my great grandmother used to babysit me and had two exceptionally old sewing machines, I used to love sitting by them and tracing my fingers trying to figure out how it worked. She taught my granny to sew and when I was in second grade, my granny was the one who actually taught me how to sew. I started making small pieces here and there. As I grew older, I learnt more about my great grandmother’s passion for fashion through my granny, and when she passed I actually got to have the sewing machine I used to sit by as a child it meant alot to me.
The fairytale element of this brand is inspired by one of my favorite memories with my sister. We used to watch Disney Channel princess movies all of the time. During the 2000s decade Disney Channel would celebrate Princess Week, so one time we binge-watched all of the movies while eating coconut cookies. When I got older, I realized the life lessons that you can take from fairytales/folklore and the whimsical feeling of girlhood is something I love the most about these infamous stories/characters.